Pilot training on Kronan

We do not offer pilot training to avatars outside Kronan crew.

It is also not a right, but an opportunity that may be offered to crew who have been with us for some time, and who have shown that they are dedicated to the ship and her crew.


The training is for repair skill runs only and is formed of 3 sessions. Each session to be taken by a different trainer (see list of available trainers below). This ensures that any omissions by one trainer will be covered by another, and also allows the trainee pilot to see alternative ways of achieving the required goal. This goal is to maintain sufficient damage for the repair crew, while allowing pilot skilling and ensuring the safety of the ship.


Training sessions 1 and 2 – The trainee sits in co-pilot and watches, listens and asks questions. If you have access to mumble, you can if preferred by yourself and the trainer, use one of our mumble rooms for the tuition.

Session 3 is the ‘maiden flight’, where the trainee takes over as pilot and is watched and assesseed by the trainer. If the report back after this session is good, then the trainee attains status of pilot for repair sessions only. If there is a need for some additional sessions this may be offered to build confidence.


Pilot Trainers

Anny Divine Thundergirl
Granny Rowan Render
Chorbal Bal Balikian
Chris Faceof Trimitzios
Michael Tyler Stewart
Sinister Morgoth Evil
Judy Jetsina Summers
Siriane Dhyna Dreamrider
Khalid Crafty Drogo
chris moneyme mo
stinger honeystinger bee
Eddie Mc McTurner
gigi nan smith